Bullying can be explained as unwanted and repetitive behaviour with the intent to hurt another person, physically or emotionally. It can take many forms, including verbal threats, physical assault, calling names, gossiping and cyberbullying.
The legal definition of bullying which specifically relates to someone’s age, sex, disability, gender identity, race, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity or marriage, is harassment.
Whether you are currently being bullied, have been bullied in the past or are affected by it in another way, many people find counselling helpful. A Counsellor can help you explore what is happening and your options and responses, in private and without judgement.
Bullying may have affected you at an earlier time in your life, but it may have been a factor in developing other issues such as anxiety, depression or low self-esteem.

Types of bullying
Verbal bullying – This includes calling someone unpleasant names, verbally attacking their appearance or threatening them with physical violence.
Physical bullying – Physically hurting someone by purposely hitting, kicking, punching, scratching to cause pain.
Indirect bullying – Ignoring someone, leaving them out of plans, gossiping or spreading rumours behind their backs or visually attacking them.
Cyberbullying – Including sexting (unwanted texts of a sexual nature), hacking social media accounts, instant messages, text messages, emails and posts that belittle, hurt or abuse you. Social networking can bring people together, but it can enable bullies to target their victims’ homes or places of work.
While this type of bullying is more often used by those of school age, bullying online isn’t something that affects only young people and children. For adults, it can exist in the workplace and on personal and professional social media accounts (otherwise known as trolling).
Helping others
If you suspect a friend, loved one or colleague is being bullied or is on the receiving end of cyberbullying and you would like to offer support. A person being bullied may need an ally and to know that they don’t have to suffer in silence.
Being bullied can be an isolating experience, but in reality, one in two of us are affected by it. Hearing not only people’s experiences of bullying but how they got through it, can really help.